GGC OWL Ontologies

Consiglio Grande e Generale

A project to design open, machine-readable and structured open data for the Grand and General Council, the Parliament of the Republic of San Marino.

Table of Contents

  1. Base ontology

    Provides a basic model of people, properties, institutions.

  2. Grand and General Council ontology

    An ontology to model the components and tasks assigned to the Grand and General Council

  3. Commissions ontology

    Model for the parliamentary commissions.

  4. Congress of State ontology

    Classes and properties regarding the Congress of State, the Secretariates of State and the Ministers.

  5. Council of 12 ontology

    Description of the Council of Twelves.

  6. Counciliar Works ontology

    Basic model for the counciliar works: convocations, sessions and agenda.

  7. International Delegations ontology

    A model for the international parliamentary delegations of the GGC, e.g. European Council and OCSE.

  8. Regency ontology

    Entities modelling the Regency of the Republic.

  9. Textual Products ontology

    Classes and properties about the textual products of the GGC, like norms or documents.


The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Cross Referencing Section of this document and Daniel Garijo for developing Widoco, the program used to create the template used in this documentation.